Santa Cruz County Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control (MAVC)

  • Map
  • Santa Cruz County
  • Agricultural Commissioner
SC Mosquito Abatement

MAVC began employing GIS to locate potential mosquito breeding sites based on ground conditions and proximity to bodies of water. The district developed GIS layers to show where standing water was located to help identify the breeding sites. The size of each breeding area was either calculated using aerial imagery or estimated at the time of treatment. This helped determine how much mosquitocide to administer and where. Santa Cruz County's Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control district now distributes site inspection status information via its Operations Map app. Santa Cruz County's Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control district now distributes site inspection status information via its Operations Map app. The field data-which included the type and amount of mosquitocide applied, the application date, the area treated, and the current condition of the site-was entered into a Microsoft Access treatment database. To date, more than 2,500 potential breeding sites have been mapped and are inspected every other week or each month. Automating Inspection Statuses In 2004, to stay ahead of mosquitoes moving into adulthood, MAVC had the Santa Cruz County GIS team develop the Mosquito Button, a geoprocessing script for ArcMap that was used to automatically determine the inspection status of potential breeding sites.

