
  • Dashboard
  • New York City
  • BetaNYC
BoardStat Map

BoardStat is designed to give residents and neighborhood groups a "hyperlocal" view of 311 service requests in Manhattan's 12 community districts. Gale Brewer, Manhattan's borough president, said the launch of BoardStat unlocks valuable data that can now be used by the digital neophyte, seasoned technologist, or any of the 12 community boards managing Manhattan's districts. The platform contains a set of 12 dashboards - one for each district. Users get a map of services requests to see where residents are submitting complaints about potholes, rodent infestations, graffiti and other problems. The tool enables searches by date, agency and visualizes complaints down to the street level. There is also "Top 10 Complaint Types" feature that delivers a bar chart of the top 10 district complaints for a selected time period. District board members and the community can see the top issues affecting their neighborhoods for a certain month, season, or year, and they can learn exactly where the issues are popping up. Illegal parking data, for instance, could fuel parking enforcement strategies, signage placement or roadway plans.


3-1-1 data; other

